Welcome to
Partners for Palestine

A Florida voice for justice, equality and human rights.

We are Florida residents who believe in equality of rights for all people, including civil, political, and religious rights. We are opposed to discrimination based on religion, race, ethnicity, ancestry or national origin.

Our commitment to these basic principles of justice means we support full national rights, self-determination and security for Palestinians equal to those enjoyed by Israelis, based on international law and UN resolutions.

Learn more about this critical issue and our organization on our About Us page and throughout this website.

Why Palestine?

Of the many injustices in the world, why focus on Palestine? This section delves into the importance of the Palestinian issue, especially for Americans, and explains why Palestine should matter to us all.

Understanding Palestine & Its History

To better understand the current conflict and Israel’s apartheid regime today, we must learn more about the history of Palestine and its people. Explore photos and read stories from the people of the Holy Land.

What You Can Do

Stopping the bombs from falling is just the first step in ending this injustice. Learn more about how you can take action and make a difference or save lives.

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Join us and make an impact today.

Read our members’ contributions on our blog

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us to learn more.


(407) 293-8421

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